Thursday, April 9, 2009

American ship attacked

An American freighter carrying food to needy people in East Africa was held up by pirates over the past 24 hours and the captain was taken hostage. It was released today but the captain is still in captivity with the pirates. This incident shows that American commerce not immune to this type of crime on the water, especially in this area (not that they are immune to anything). While there are probably more pressing security concerns, the Obama administration needs to look into cracking down on this activity and forming an alliance of countries, particularly near the trouble area. It is not like ships can avoid it because it is the route that goes to and from the Suez Canal.

Update: The captain of the ship, Richard Phillips, is still being held hostage in a lifeboat by the pirates. The United States has sent in Navy vessels and sailors to assist in the negotiations and have an armed presence. This is the first major foreign crisis for the Obama administration. If the negotiations are not successful there will be mounting criticism that he is not tough enough on terror.

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